Fear of failure will not get you success
If you think you are going to fail in doing this thing or that think then you are never going to success. https://chiragdarji101.blogspot.com/2019/01/10yearschallenge-from-2009-to-2019.html?m=1 Just keep trying in what you want to do what you want to become, you might get success or you might get failure but untill your goal is achieved keep trying. It is said that try try till you success. Success is temporary but keep trying for more is permanent so keep trying in what you want to do, what you want to achieve. And never take success be on your mind try to be more than what are you today, try to be more in terms of performance and abilities. If you really like my words the share this blog with your friends and family. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @chiragdarji101 And leave a like on facebook.