
Showing posts from November, 2019

Speak up for change

"You" should speak up for any change you want in your life internally or externally. It is said that speaking up whats in your heart or mind make you feel better than keeping your feeling with yourself. Why don't people speak about prevention and control of problems like Air pollution, water pollution, environment degradation, forest cutting , potholes , population, diseases and  many more. Even if people are aware about this about abovemention problems but no one want to speak up and try to change it. India is democratic country of, by and for the people, if people speak up for a particular issue that only a change or movement towards change can take place. So what can be done ? One suggestion is that their should be substainable development means development of country without affecting life of future generations to live well. What's your solution to this problem ?.......... Like , share and comment on the blog. F...